The YWR Pin
The double links represent LWML, women of all ages who are joyfully united in spirit and purpose. While each member is different, in Christ all are linked together, complementing one another’s gifts, talents and strengths.

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2023–2025 Committee on Young Women
(L to R): Desiree Davis, Chesapeake District; Linda Fees — Chairman, Nebraska South District; Mary Jensen, Kansas District; Karen Drury, Missouri District
The purpose of the Committee on Young Women is to:
- Guide LWML leaders with resources to help make connections with young women.
- Produce and facilitate the Young Woman Representatives (YWR) program for the LWML Convention.
- Empower and mentor younger women to connect and grow in relationships as sisters in Christ.
- Equip and encourage young women to become more involved in their congregation and the mission of the LWML.