Listen to devotions on the LWML Podcast! New episodes with devotional content will be posted on the first Wednesday of the month.
How to join?
There is nothing new you need to download or install.
Every iPhone comes with a Podcast app by default.
Android users can listen to podcasts using Spotify or their favorite podcast service.
Open your podcast app and search for “LWML” or “LWML on the go,” then subscribe!

If you have a favorite podcast app already, you can search for it there too! (If it’s not listed and you’d like it to be, let us know at webmaster@lwml.org)
Don’t want to subscribe?
You can also access it through the LWML App! Learn more.
Posted on
May 30, 2019 10:06 AM
System Administrator
A podcast is basically a radio show on the Internet that aren’t broadcast live but recorded for listening whenever you want. It’s the perfect companion for doing chores or making long commutes more interesting.
All you need is a piece of software you can use to subscribe to shows. Most people listen to podcasts on mobile devices, because listening is on the go!
There is nothing new you need to download or install. Every iPhone comes with a Podcast app by default. Android users can listen to podcasts using Google Play Music. Open either app and start browsing. The Podcasts are categorized and when you find one of particular interest to you, simply subscribe to it and you will be notified when there is a new episode.
LWML will soon be providing a LWML Podcast to share with you! Keep watch on LWML social media or the LWML website for more information.
Posted on
May 06, 2019 11:25 AM
System Administrator