Mission Service Activity of the Month
My Cup Overflows

Let’s support and encourage shut-ins or those who feel alone this month. Let them know that they are loved by God, by their church family, and are being lifted in prayer.
Project idea:
Construct a mug rug and put together a gift bag that includes a coffee cup, mug rug, tea bag, hot chocolate packet, or individual coffee packet, with sugar or honey, and a copy of Psalm 23.
Before the servant event meeting:
- Collect names of shut-ins that you would like to bless, so you know how many items you will need.
- Collect cotton material, batting, sewing pins, and scissors. Mug rug instructions are readily available online. Ask a member or two to bring their sewing machines.
- Ask for donations of gift bags, coffee cups, tea bags, hot chocolate packets, individual coffee packets, and sugar or honey. You might want to include a cookie or other treat.
- Print out of a copy of Psalm 23 or a card to include in a gift bag for all the items. Someone will need to bring a sewing machine to sew the mug rugs together.
During the servant event, some can cut and pin together the materials for the mug rugs and others can sew the mug rugs. While others assemble the items into a gift bag. Take time to write personal notes on the back of the Psalm 23 printouts, highlight verse five. What a blessing it will be for shut-ins when you deliver the cups and mug rugs to remind them of their Savior’s love.
Take pictures of this service activity and submit them to share on your district website or in your district newsletter!
Gospel Focus
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows (Psalm 23:5).
Devotion as You Plan
As you plan this service activity, share this devotion: We Are Full!
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare
Lord God, You are our holy, almighty, loving Father. We know that, on our own, we are unholy. We are empty. Sometimes we hurt others. We are sorry, Lord. Thank You for not leaving us empty. Thank You for sending Jesus as the fulfillment in our place. Thank You for forgiveness; for Your means of grace through which You give us forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Thank You for loving us beyond our emptiness. Thank You for filling our lives with Your love, hope, joy, and peace. Please be with all those who feel empty. Help us to show them Your love. Help us, who are now made holy in Your sight through the death and resurrection of Your holy, most precious Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, to continue to serve You with gladness. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Download the printable PDF of this Mission Service Activity
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!