Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Winter 2024 "Tell Your Story"
Editor's Note

How Do You Tell Your Story?
Come and listen … let me tell you what the Lord has done for me (Psalm 66:16 NIV).
Many years ago, my church hosted a Witness Workshop based on Psalm 66:16, a verse which the leader called “The Witness’ Creed.” That verse became one of the verses that I keep close ― one for which I know the correct reference without looking it up ― one that has helped to guide my life ― even before I memorized it.
When I was in college, I sat with a group of acquaintances. The conversation turned to God. It was apparent that I was the only active Christian in the group. One young man went on and on about how God was a hoax and concluded by turning to me and challenging, “Nothing you say can convince me that God is real!”
I had listened to his arguments and knew he wouldn’t be convinced by much of anything I said. As I listened, I silently prayed for the right words. I quietly told him, “No ― but nothing you say can convince me that He’s not real and active in my life.” He expected an argument from me, but, with God’s guidance, my simple statement disarmed his attack, and he was ready to hear more.
I was active in a performing social/folk dance group while in college. I hadn’t talked about my faith to many ― except for a fellow Lutheran in the group. One day people were talking about an outing. I wasn’t invited. Disappointed, I walked away from the discussion. One of the group followed me, told me what kind of a party it was going to be, and then he told me why they didn’t ask me to come: I was a Christian. They could tell it by the way I lived my life and the way I talked. I didn’t know His light was shining through me, but God shines ever bright ― even when we don’t realize it.
Some tell their story with words, while others tell their stories by how they live their lives or with specific deeds and acts of service. How do you share your story of what God has done for you? Write it down. Speak it to those who need to hear. What He has done is so precious. Let the light of His story shine in your story! The Lord will bless you as you go and do.
Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief
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6 | What He Has Done for Me
7 | Mission At Home
| About the 2025 Prayer Service
| 2025 Convention Information and Registration insert
| Editor’s Note
1 | Praying the Psalms: Psalm 66
14 | Grants at Work: Stories from Camp Restore Detroit or read it online here
15 | 2023–2025 Mission Grants
28 | Shop LWML
29 | President’s Page — Anticipation and Assurance
available to download and print
17 | The Third Article: Steadfast in Christ — Leader Guide
18 | God Sees Our Story: Therefore Rejoice! — Bible Study
| God Sees Our Story: Therefore Rejoice! — Leader Guide
20 | God’s Story for You! — Leader Guide
22 | ¡La Historia de Dios para Ti! — Estudio Bíblico
| ¡La Historia de Dios para Ti! — Notas del líder